Submit a video (or similar content)

Do you have animal related content to share (i.e. videos, pictures, blog posts, stories, etc)?  Feel free to share it.  In the past I had a form here where you can post submissions, but my schedule has been pretty busy lately (working 2 jobs), and so I thought I would open up this section to you all.  I now have a page on Facebook dedicated to this blog and would be happy to open it up to you all.  From this point forward, you can share your content on my Facebook page.  Just feel free to "like" my page to connect with it, and then you can post any content you want (videos, pictures, news articles, etc).   Occasionally I may share content on this site (unless if you don't want the content shared).  Should be pretty easy to use and share content on Facebook (alternatively, if you use twitter, use hashtag #rjanimalvideos if you want to share to the blog via twitter):

Some ground rules on Facebook page posts:
1. Content on my page / blog must be relevant to this website (animal related).  Off topic posts will be deleted.
2. Links are okay, but becareful not to spam.  Facebook's policies apply too.
3. No inappropriate content (i.e., disturbing videos / pictures, animals getting slaughtered, fur farms, virus infected sites, hate sites, porn, etc) allowed.  Hunting and fishing videos are okay within reason.  Let's try to keep this page PG or PG 13 rated (nothing R rated)
4. If you don't want me sharing a post to my blog, please specify that in the post.  Otherwise I won't know whether to share it or not.
5. No trolling allowed.  Will block trolls if necessary.  No need to be rude here.
6.  If you use other people's content, make sure it is okay with them before posting.