Fox Sighting Dec 13, 2017 9:08 PM

Here is another fox I saw on camera this evening while watching the badger fox feeder camera (  This guy was hanging around for a while (even after the video stopped) and he did seem to take notice to a mouse that was scurrying around closeby . If I were the mouse, I would probably keep my distance considering that foxes are known to eat mice (especially when they are hungry enough).  Definitely been getting sightings of these guys every so often when watching the cameras.  I can't guarantee you will get sightings every time when watching the web cams (sometimes the foxes are there, sometimes they are not), but when they do appear, be sure to get a screen shot or video of the sighting.  Definitely a good way to see these normally very elusive creatures in action (and without having to worry about scaring them off).

 Sponsored links section- have you ever considered getting either a web cam or trail cam?  Why not give yourself (or others) one for Christmas.  Depending on where you live and what kinds of animals you get, in your area, you just might get a fox on camera (like the ones you see on the web cams in England).  In my neighborhood, coyotes are known to appear on my trail cam sometimes (not every night, but often enough to know they are around).
