Educating people about Carrie fox

Here is an interesting video that Bramblewood House posted about foxes

In the video, apparently some people were commenting that red foxes are dangerous and in this video, the lady filming the foxes is able to refute the claims.  Based on my experience with foxes, they are usually not aggressive or dangerou and are usually more likely to run away from a person than to attack them.  Last Monday, I went walking around in the South Beach and American camp areas on San Juan Island and although they can look intimidating at first (especially the ones I saw up close), they are actually pretty shy and usually keep their distance around people (sometimes run away too).  Definitely would feel more safe encountering a fox in the wild (such as seeing one when hiking in the woods) than a coyote or a wolf.  Of course, I am sure there are some exceptions to this. For example, I have heard that they can become aggressive if you corner one.  Also, sometimes there are isolated incidents like this one:

What do you think of foxes?   
