Here is today\'s featured video: Havock the Siberian Husky Pup playing with his big brother, Wolfy
This video reminds me a bit of a typical big dog small dog relationship that dogs tend to have, where the smaller dog tends to be a bit feisty, while the bigger dog plays along and holds back too. It also reminds me a bit of the relationship between Laika the Husky and Mishka the husky on another youtube channel I follow. By the way, what do you think of this video? Do your dogs get along pretty well too?
Today\'s featured video on Uvioo (by the way, Uvioo is very similar to Youtube, except that they pay you to share videos too, which is nice and is free to join). Clicking on the links below should take you to the featured video on Uvioo.:
Siberian Husky talking, he says he misses daddy(CUTE!)
Tashi and Polar Are Too Lazy To Play Right (huskies)
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